基督教会的使命是造就门徒(马太福音28:19)。, better disciples (Acts 2:42) and more disciples (Mark 16:15) through excellence in academics, 体育运动, 还有艺术.
基督教会学院 partners with parents and students to promote academic excellence while building a generation that will change the world.
CCA的存在是为了培养弟子,更好的弟子,更多的弟子. We develop Christ-like character by modeling the Fruit of the Spirit when the staff comes alongside students as they learn the values of hard work and self-discipline. 努力工作和自律是实现上帝赋予我们潜能的关键. 我们相信上帝的能力和恩典通过改变我们的关系在我们的生活中工作. 人际关系的转变可以通过我们对待他人的方式来证明. We expect academic excellence because we do all things for His glory as we love God, 爱别人就像爱自己一样.
- 我们引导学生发展与基督的转变关系, 培养 圣经世界观 以他们的生活方式为证. (Colossians 1:16-17) (Genesis 1:1) (Nehemiah 9:6) (John 1:1-1) (2 Timothy 2:15-16)
- 我们提供 学术卓越 学术, 体育运动, 还有艺术, 都专注于帮助学生成为成熟的基督徒领袖. (哥林多后书8:7)(罗马书15:14).
- We are committed to developing Christ-like character in all relationships by intentionally loving God and loving others. (约翰福音13:34-35)(加拉太书 5:22-23)(马太福音22:37-39)
- We celebrate the gifts and talents in each of our students by providing differentiated instruction which ensures the ability for each learner to reach his/her highest potential. (罗马书12:6-8)(哥林多前书12:4-7)
我们相信 神的话语 是我们生命的根基, 这是我们如何以正直的思想生活的典范, 单词, 和行动. (提摩太后书3:16-17)(马太福音4:4)(希伯来书4:12).
如果以基督为中心的教育经历对你很重要, 你会很高兴知道基督教堂学院不仅仅是一个名字, 基督在我们的名下居首位是有原因的. CCA的教育理念建立在基督教的基础上, 并每天与每个年级的学生分享. Every 教师 member stresses fundamental teachings of the Bible and the development of Christ-like attributes, and our 政府 has incorporated many spiritually-grounded activities for students throughout the school year. 没有基督,从来没有,将来也不会有基督教会学院.
基督教会学院 is housed on a beautiful multi-building campus in Jacksonville, FL. 学校有超过31间教室, 三组曲, 两个电脑室, 两个美术工作室, 媒体中心, 行政办公室, 一个自助餐厅用餐区和一个初级STEM和CODE实验室. CCA还有一个宽敞的礼堂, 体育馆, 高中的庭院, 还有一个美丽的操场绿地. We have plans to develop a state-of-the-art athletic complex on our campus to open for the 2025/2026 school year.
- 国际基督教学校协会
- Cognia
基督教会学院, 原文华基督教学校, 8月29日开始了它的第一年, 1995, 从幼儿园到五年级. 六年级、七年级和八年级分别于1996年、1997年和1998年增加. High school began in 2005 and was completed with the addition of twelfth grade in 2007. 2022年,CCA搬迁到绿地路的一个新的多建筑校园. 基督教会学院 has realized a long-term goal by establishing a school to serve the Mandarin community, 并继续向整个第一海岸扩张.
CCA’s Mission Statement gives the school a purpose that transcends normal educational requirements. CCA and its community exemplify everyday acts that are examples of our mission and values. The portraits of CCA graduates are all living philosophies that embody the fundamental principles that define the school and the expected student outcomes. CCA also recognizes that the character of an 18-year-old’s work ethic or academic endeavors are far from being complete, 知道心灵, 心, 整体成熟度在人的一生中不断发展.
- 学生将理解并体验到与上帝的个人关系.
- 学生将明白什么是基督的门徒.
- The student will strive to know and submit to the will of God in his/her daily life.
- 学生将认识到需要耶稣为了过一个正义的生活.
- 学生将学习并应用圣经的世界观到生活的各个方面.
- 学生将能够表达和捍卫他/她的信仰.
- 学生将尊崇和尊重圣经作为神的权威话语.
- The student will fear and 尊重 God understanding that this is the beginning of wisdom and that one’s true identity is secure in Christ.
- The student will know, understand, and apply basic Biblical principles to daily life.
- The student will display good study habits and research skills leading to the student’s ability to engage in the work world.
- The student will obtain an overall intellectual education exceeding the state and national academic standards.
- The student will develop skills to investigate, problem solve, and make wise decisions.
- The student will use Biblical values to establish personal, academic, and social priorities.
- 学生将根据上帝话语的真理发展出正义的标准.
- 学生将实践强烈的职业道德和永恒的观点.
- 这个学生将继续追求严谨, 知识的道路, 了解发展心智的重要性.
- The student will seek to appreciate a wide variety of disciplines of study associated with a strong liberal arts education as the foundation. 这将以经过验证的写作为特征, thinking and synthesis skills as well as demonstrated mastery of academic objectives in the humanities (literature and history), 数学, 科学, 和基督教教义.
- 这个学生将通过展示爱来尊重每个人, 尊重, 完整性, 并以敬虔待人.
- 这个学生将表现出对当权者的尊重.
- 学生将致力于道德、精神、视觉和身体的纯洁.
- 这个学生将表现出一颗仆人的心, exhibit justice and mercy in their relationships and resolve conflict in a God honoring way.
- 学生将了解宣讲神的话语的概念, 敬拜, 祈祷, 课税, 和服务.
- The student will understand the value of serving and strive to serve others’ needs.
- The student will have the “big picture perspective” of the world and demonstrate the love and attitude of Christ Jesus to all people. 这种态度的特点是无私, humility and servant-hood and a lifestyle of obedience to seeking first the kingdom of God.
- The student will recognize that each individual is uniquely created in the image of God and is loved by God and therefore of great worth.
- The student will maintain and understand a lifestyle of purity in regard to anything that can be harmful to the body, 精神或思想.
- The student will honor God by treating their body according to the Biblical standard of appropriate choices, 梳理, 服装, 休息, 护理, 卫生, 营养, 和锻炼.
In our lives, values determine our priorities by outlining what we believe to be important. These values form the foundation of our personality and give strength to our convictions.
在基督教堂学院, we strive to be worthy mentors for your child as they begin to define their own set of values. CCA的董事, 政府, 教师, 员工们相信与上帝的关系, 然后别人, 是一所成功的基督教学校的基础. 我们相信, 通过塑造圣灵的果子(爱), 快乐, 和平, 耐心, 善良, 善, 诚实, 温柔, 和自我控制), 我们可以培养学生的基督徒品格. We believe it is critical to communicate the worth of hard work and self-discipline. 我们相信 academic excellence must be a priority because it is vital that we do all things to our best ability for His glory. 我们相信, 通过教授和示范这些原则, students will be empowered to reach their God-given potential and will be best positioned to love God, 爱别人, 爱自己.
“我们真的很幸运能让我们的孩子进入基督教堂学院. 培育环境, 强烈的基督教价值观, 敬业的老师对我们孩子的成长产生了深远的影响, 无论是学术上还是精神上. We see the difference in their character, confidence, and love for learning every day. We couldn’t have asked for a better place to support our child’s education and faith journey.”